Thursday, January 28, 2010


Surrogates, based on the graphic novel of the same name by Robert Venditti, can be described as a mix of I, Robot, WALL-E, and Avatar but without the intelligence, emotion or beauty of the aforementioned. James Cromwell is even the father of this robotic technology once again, though I keep expecting him to say "that'll do, pig." In this futuristic science fiction thriller, Bruce Willis is Tom Greer, an FBI agent in a world where the societal norm is to let your real body decay at home while being out in the world as a nearly invincible robot avatar, I mean surrogate.

Crime rates are down and pretty much everything is hunky dorry, thanks to these surrogates.  Of course, nothing is perfect and it suddenly seems that it has become possible to kill a person through their surrogate.  As it is wont to do in situations like this, chaos begins to ensue as the search for the weapon, the killer, and the truth begins.

For all its shortcomings, Surrogates isn't boring.  It moves along at a brisk pace, sacrificing bits and pieces of plot along the way.  It's not that it doesn't make sense, but it feels like there could have been so much more.  There are a dozen moral/ethical dilemmas/situations introduced or hinted at and then just glossed over as Willis races to the quick end of the film. 

If you like science fiction action flicks and don't mind it when they're not District 9 or Avatar, this is worth a rent, but I can say that I'm glad I skipped this one in theatres.

***(3/5 stars)

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