Wednesday, January 13, 2010

500 Days of Summer

Ok, let's get one thing out of the way off the bat.  If you don't like Zooey, you probably won't like this movie.  She's in it a lot and is very Zooeyish the whole time.  You know what I mean.  I happen to like her quirky, indie oddgirl kind of style.  Yes, she is about as versatile as one of those one button Apple mice, but, like those mice, she does the one thing she does consistently, and looks good doing it.  This movie is no exception.  Joseph Gordon-Levitt's heartfelt and energetic performance, however, might just be good enough to win over even the most vehement Zooey basher.

500 Days of Summer is "not a love story," as you will be told at the beginning of the film.  Make no mistake, though, this is a story about love.

The movie starts off somewhere in the middle as Tom (Levitt) laments what seems to be the end of his relationship with Summer (Deschanel).  Through flashbacks to previous days in the 500 we are treated to an odd, but genuine, story of boy meets girl.  From playing house in Ikea to a full blown musical number complete with a requisite animated songbird, each day shown feels fresh and offers something new.

Because of the choppy, back and forth kind of storytelling, this movie does require a bit more attention than some others, though I can't say I got lost anywhere through it.

The acting throughout is spot on, each character's very individual personality never wavering for a second, reflecting the excellent screenwriting.  Though a minor character, I found my favorite to be Tom's sister, Rachel played by young Chloë Moretz.  Her performance here makes me all the more excited for the upcoming Kick-Ass where she plays Hit Girl

I enjoyed this movie and was happy to find that the ending, while something of a bitter sweet one, was satisfying and didn't leave me flummoxed and disappointed like, say, the ending to Wanted.

Don't watch this if you are expecting a romantic comedy.  That's not what it is.  It is a story about two people, their encounter with each other, and how they feel about love.  And sometimes it's funny too.

**** (4/5 stars)

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