Saturday, February 6, 2010

Peter Pan (2003)

This semi-recent adaptation of the classic tale of Peter Pan is not for everyone.  In many ways it is very similar to the stage production, but it is much darker in some ways and a bit disturbing in others.  For the most part, the characters come to life in a way that feels very appropriate.  Jeremy Sumpter is arrogant and self centered as Peter and Rachel Hurd-Wood is pleasant yet naive as Wendy Darling.  Ludivine Sagnier is appropriately bitchy as the jealous fairy Tinker Bell and Jason Isaacs, who would later play another major villain - Lucius Malfoy - is wonderfully evil as Captain James Hook.  In a move that I thought worked rather well, he also plays Wendy's father, Mr. Darling.  There were not many other major players in this production and most of the other characters, from Tiger Lily, to Smee, to Michael Darling were all very secondary to the story.  This was about Wendy, Peter and Hook.

This could almost be considered an art film version of J.M. Barrie's timeless story. In what I can only assume was a bid to create a more fairy tale/children's imagination version of Never Never Land, much of the scenery was obviously animated, though not quite in a Bedknobs and Brooksticks fashion.  It was sort of a "this is almost real, but not quite" feel.  The color pallet, too, made extensive use of the whole blue/orange phenomenon to a degree that rivals what we've seen so far of the other Avatar movie - M. Night Shyamalan's Last Air Bender.  There is also a bit of steampunk going on here and there which I though fit in quite nicely with the world of Peter Pan.

This movie is rated PG and certainly deserves it.  From brief nudity to excessive killing to surprisingly creepy scenes, this is certainly not the Disney version that so many of us grew up on.  There is also a somewhat disturbing romance thing going on between Peter and Wendy that is just a stretch beyond the innocent curiosity children of their age should be exhibiting.  I didn't notice it so much the first time I watched this in theatres, but it stood out more this time around.

There's not much to say about the story.  This is Peter Pan, pretty plain and simple.  No real surprises except when Hook gains an unexpected advantage during the final battle.  The acting is great, and the pace is mostly spot on if a little rushed here and there.

Over all I liked this movie and thought it was very well done.  Like I said, it does have an odd flavor that might leave a bad taste in some people's mouth's, but it is worth checking out if you like a fairy tale that is a bit closer to the disturbing roots of the likes of the original Grimm Brothers.

**** (4/5 stars)

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